Joint Meeting ICO / Royal College of Ophthalmologists

8 February 2019


Life and Sight Threatening Conditions in Ophthalmology

Venue:     The Learning Centre, Royal Victoria Eye and Ear Hospital (RVEEH)

Each speaker will focus on a sub specialty of ophthalmology presenting two cases which emphasise the importance of the first visit to the outcome. Audience participation is encouraged. Each speaker will have 20 minutes, including Q&A.

Welcome and Introduction

Dr Alison Blake

President Irish College of Ophthalmologists

09.30 – 10.00  Neuro-Ophthalmology

Mr Mike Burdon

Consultant Neuro-Ophthalmologist, Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham & President, Royal College of Ophthalmologists, UK

10.00 -10.30    Peadiatric Ophthalmology

Mr Alan Mulvihill

Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon, The Edinburgh Clinic, Edinburgh

10.30 – 11.00  Trauma

Dr Evelyn O Neill

Fellow, Mater Misericordiae University Hospital, Dublin

11.00 – 11.30  Coffee Break
11.30 – 12.00  Retina

Miss Julie Silvestri

Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon, Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast

12.00 – 12.30  Cornea

Professor Stephen Kaye

Lead for the Corneal Service at The Royal Liverpool University Hospital, Liverpool

13.00 – 14.15  Exhibition and Lunch, RCSI, Exam Hall, 1st Floor 123 St Stephen’s Green